Subscription price list

※The price has been revised from October 1, 2024.

※Purchase through resellers are not supported.

1.Unlimited plan

For customers who want to purchase unlimited licenses. Even if you purchase in large quantities, this plan is a great deal.

Basic charge

Amount  JPY 3,000,000/year

             No limit on the number of devices
             Service Charge is included
             No consumption tax is applied on purchases from outside Japan

2.Standard plan

Basic charge

Amount  JPY 100,000/year

+ Service Charge JPY 25,000

Total Amount  JPY 125,000

            Available for up to 100 devices
            No consumption tax is applied on purchases from outside Japan

Additional device

Below, ranges 1 to 4 are added in order according to the number of devices.

RangeAdditional devicesDevice unit price
1101 - 500JPY 875
2501 - 1000JPY 750
31001 - 3000JPY 625
43001 - JPY 500
Usage fee = Basic fee + Range 1 + Range 2 + Range 3

Ex.(1) For 80 devices, annual fee JPY 125,000

    Basic charge: 125,000 yen because up to 100 devices can be used

Ex.(2) For 150 devices, annual fee JPY 168,750

    Basic charge: 100 devices JPY 125,000 + range 1:50 devices (@ JPY 875) JPY 43,750

Ex.( 3) For 3000 devices Annual fee \ 2,100,000

    Basic charge: 100 devices JPY 125,000 + range 1: 400 devices (@ JPY 875) JPY 350,000

     + Range 2: 500 devices (@ JPY 750) JPY 375,000 + Range 3: 2000 devices (@ JPY 625) JPY 1,250,000

Please use the simulator below. (Standard plan only)

Charge simulator

Comparison of free version and paid version

Free versionPaid versionRemarks
Compression methodDeflateMultiple methods※Support-Operating environment, specifications
Management with MDM / MAMX
License managementX
Support※Paid version emails will be given priority.
Viewer Function ※bmp, jpeg, png, gif, PDF ,txt, csv, html, xml

Paid option

※ Since April 2021, some functions and support will be charged.
For details, please contact us.

1.Optional support

Paid support fee

Additional support fee  JPY 5,000 / 1h

Technical support JPY 20,000 /each time

             No consumption tax is applied on purchases from outside Japan

2.Optional function (License Management Analysis Function)

License Management Analysis Function usage fee

JPY 40,000 / month

             No consumption tax is applied on purchases from outside Japan
             Sold only with an annual contract

You can try all the same features as the paid version for 30 days with a free trial!