
Last Updated: 2024/11/11

2024/11/11: ArchXtract for iOS ver 4.0.0 released

ArchXtract for iOS has been updated to ver 4.0.0. Please check the release notes for details.

2024/11/07: Upcoming Release of ArchXtract iOS

There is an update to the existing Framework and Intune Library. This will be expected in the upcoming release in mid November.

2024/10/01: ArchXtract Notice of Price Revision

The price of ArchXtract will be revised from April 1, 2025.

We have planned to revise the price of ArchXtract while striving to maintain and improve quality.

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your continued support of ArchXtract.

1. Product Name: ArchXtract

2. Revision Date: April 1, 2025

3. Revision Content: Please refer to the latest version of the Introduction material. (It can be downloaded from our website).

2024/5/31: ArchXtract for Android ver 3.0.1 released

ArchXtract for Android has been updated to ver 3.0.1. Please check the release notes for details.

2024/5/01: Upcoming ArchXtract Release

There is an update to the existing Framework and Intune. This will be expected in the May month release.

2024/4/28: ArchXtract for iOS ver 3.0.1 released

ArchXtract for iOS has been updated to ver 3.0.1. Please check the release notes for details.

2023/09/01License management system update

The ArchXtract license management system has been updated. Please check the new features.

2023/08/29: Server maintenance schedule (09/01 18:30 to 19:30 JST)

We have planned to update the ArchXtract License Management System on 09/01 18:30 to 19:30 JST. Please understand that a part of the service will be stopped during maintenance. After completion of the update, please check the Login page of the portal.

2023/07/12: Some Android ArchXtract users experiencing issues in Intune Login

Currently there are some Android devices where there is an issue in Intune Login. In those cases we recommend the complete uninstallation of Company Portal app, Outlook app and ArchXtract app. Then re-installation of all the apps would resolve this issue. This is due to an update in the Microsoft side. Sorry for the inconvenience.

2023/5/29: ArchXtract for iOS ver 3.0.0 released

ArchXtract for iOS has been updated to ver 3.0.0. Please check the release notes for details.

2023/3/22: License management system update

The ArchXtract license management system has been updated. Please check the Login page for new features.

2023/3/20: Server maintenance schedule (3/22 11:00AM to 14:00PM JST)

We have planned to update the ArchXtract License Management System on 3/22 11:00AM to 14:00 PM JST. Please understand that a part of the service will be stopped during maintenance. After completion of the update, please check Login page of the portal.

2022/11/28: External Keyboard needs full access settings after iOS 15

Recently, there is a report that the ArchXtract does not allow the selection of the applications for the extracted files.
This phenomenon is occurring in the iPad only when an external keyboard is connected.
But this problem is rectified if full access setting is enabled. This setting is under Settings->Accessibility->Keyboards.
Although this setting seems to be a mandatory setting to work with external keyboard currently, this setting was not required before 3 to 4 months.
Hence we are investigating the cause. There was no recent release in ArchXtract.
Hence we doubt if the Microsoft Intune specification change or the Apple iOS version update (after iOS 15 update) causing the issue.

For now we request the users using the external Keyboard to set the full access settings.
Currently we are following up with Microsoft and Apple.
We will keep you posted on the issue when we have an update. We appreciate if the users too contact Microsoft and Apple directly.

2022/6/16: ArchXtract for iOS and Android ver 2.0.3 released

ArchXtract for iOS and Andoid has been updated to ver 2.0.3. Please check the release notes for details.

2022/2/18: License management system update

The ArchXtract license management system has been updated. Please check the Login page for new features.

2022/2/17: Server maintenance schedule (2/18 11:00AM to 14:00PM JST)

We have planed to add a function to Reset IP in ArchXtract's license management system on 2/18 11:00AM to 14:00 PM JST. Please understand that a part of the service will be stopped during maintenance. After completion of the update, please check Login page of the portal.

2022/2/2: License management system update

The ArchXtract license management system has been updated. Please check the details page of the dashboard for new features.

2022/2/1: Server maintenance schedule (2/2 PM JST)

We have planed to add new functions to ArchXtract's license management system on 2/2 PM JST.
Please understand that all services will be stopped during maintenance. After completion of the update, please check details page of the dashboard.

2021/8/27: 【RESOVED】 The problem “In Outlook for Android devices, the attached zip file cannot be shared with another app” is resolved.

The wait is over! We apologize for making you to wait. We are overwhelmed to inform that the problem “In Outlook for Android devices, the attached zip file cannot be shared with another app” is RESOLVED. The encrypted files are gracefully handled to ArchXtract for processing. The Outlook for Android version supporting the update is 4.2132.1. When you tap the encrypted zip file, a " ⋮ " appears in the top right corner of the error page saying "Can't open folder". When clicked, "Open in another app" options pops out. From there please select ArchXtract. Please enjoy using ArchXtract.

2021/8/26: Android support OS version change

We apologize for the delay in providing information.

From ArchXtract ver 2.0.1, the supported OS version has been changed from "7.1 or higher" to "9 or higher".
This corresponds to the change in the supported OS version of Microsoft Intune from 10/1 to 9 or higher.
We appreciate your understanding if you are using Android.

2021/8/23: Android Outlook encrypted zip unzipping problem - Microsoft support's status update

Microsoft has released information about the current problem of "In Outlook for Android devices, the attached zip file cannot be shared with another app".

Outlook for Android can't link password protected zip files to other apps

We have received information from Microsoft that Outlook is being modified. Please wait for a while until the release.
If you would like to confirm the release time, please check the above link to know about the progress.

2021/8/11: 【Re-Post】Outlook attachment zip file cannot be unzipped on Android device

We apologize for the inconvenience caused to our customers for a long time. "Problem that Zip file cannot be shared to another application in Android Outlook" released on July 2 failed to open the encrypted zip from outlook to ArchXtract on Android device. We apologize for posting incorrect information. However, it seems that it is now possible to pass compressed files other than zip to ArchXtract. (Confirmed version: Outlook for Android ver 4.2123.2). This confirmed that the zip could be decompressed by transferring it to the PC once and recompressing it to 7z / tar / gz / rar (without password) as it is. If you can handle this method, please try it. We have confirmed the information that Microsoft is currently considering the restoration of the function to link the encrypted zip with other applications. Please wait for a while until it is completely resolved.

Microsoft Outlook for Android Issue Reproduction Video link

2021/7/1: Notice of expansion of supported archive format

ArchXtract ver 2.0.1 (iOS / Android) has expanded the supported archive formats other than zip.
Please check that files with the extension 7z / tar / gz / rar (without password) can also be decompressed.

2021/6/17: Outlook attachment zip file cannot be unzipped on Android device

Currently, the encrypted zip cannot be decompressed on Android devices.

In Outlook on Android devices, there is a problem that the attached zip file cannot be shared with another application.

Therefore, it is not possible to share files from Outlook to ArchXtract or One Drive etc.

We are inquiring about this issue to Microsoft. Maybe this issue is due to the effect of the new feature release of Outlook.

We apologize for any inconvenience and will suspend Android support until a solution is available.

Please note that this issue depends on the version of Outlook and can be solved by downgrading Outlook if possible.

For reference, the Outlook version we have confirmed to work properly is 4.2041.3.

You can also save the zip file from PC to One Drive and unzip it with ArchXtract on mobile

or wait until Microsoft fix this current issue on Outlook.

※If you are in a hurry, please contact Microsoft directly when it is available.

2021/4/15: Notice of addition of Viewer function

Viewer function has been added to ArchXtract.
The function can be turned ON / OFF on the Setting.
The files that can be displayed are listed on the product function page, so please check them.

2021/4/1: Notice of price revision

We have revised the price.
Please check the price list as it has been updated.
As a result, some functions and support have been charged, so please check them as well.
We also plan to make some changes to the contract details.
We will contact the customers who are currently using with details by e-mail. Thank you.

2021/2/8: ArchXtract for iOS ver 1.0.9 released

ArchXtract for iOS has been updated to ver 1.0.9. Please check the release notes for details.

2021/1/29: English version released

Server maintenance was completed at 5:00 PM(JST) on 1/29.
The license management system has been updated.
It is possible to set the language switch to the English version and the time zone settings.

2021/1/28: Server maintenance schedule (1/29 PM)

We plan to update ArchXtract's license management system on 1/29 PM.
Please understand that all services will be stopped during maintenance.

2020/11/01: English version coming soon

ArchXtract is a product for Japan. Currently, as the number of inquiries from overseas customers has increased, we are working on English support. The app can change the language to English, but the time zone is not yet supported outside Japan.
In addition, the license management portal and manual are only available in Japanese.
The English version is being prepared in a hurry, so please wait for a while. A full English version will be released as early as January 2021.

2021/1/28: About startup crash on iOS 14.2.

The following issues have been resolved in iOS 14.4. Users who are having problems are encouraged to update to iOS 14.4.

After updating to iOS 14.2, there is a problem that ArchXtract does not start on some devices.

Specifically, it is a problem that occurs when installing an app via MDM such as Intune on a device with a relatively new CPU.

It is said that Apple and Microsoft are currently investigating jointly, so we apologize for any inconvenience caused to customers who are having problems, but please wait for a while.

As a sure workaround,

  1. Do not upgrade to iOS 14.2
  2. Download directly from the App Store, not via MDM
  3. Not used on modern devices

If you have any problems, please consider the possible measures above.